Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Edan-Echo Party: The Movie

Edan just held a screening for the film tonight in Boston, which drops November 9th.

Produced/directed by Tom Fitzgerald, Cut Chemist’s go-to video man who works also for Cinefamily in L.A., Edan’s Echo Party Movie is a fast-paced, retro onglomeration of unrelated and interesting video clips from the 60′s, 70′s and 80′s that prove to be like a Sour Patch Kid for the eye. Cut in perfect harmony with Edan’s music, the movie is an ideal synch for Echo Party’s multi-elemental vibe where, using Traffic’s extensive back catalogue of old school hip-hop, Edan mixes, reworks, and adds layers of his own instrumentation to create an eclectic blend of psychedlia and beats. The movie cuts in and out of old Indian/Bollywood films, spray painting graffiti artists, children operating computers, vintage ads, risque cartoons, and everything in between. Like the LP, each DVD cover is hand-stamped by the artist himself in one of five unique designs adding further to the artistic flair that could only be Edan’s.

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