Wednesday, October 8, 2014


In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, HUF has partnered up with the Keep A Breast Foundation for the third consecutive year on a pink-inspired Plantlife Sock. Each pair of the vivid pink and white socks comes along with an “I ? Boobies” stickers and bracelet, helping to spread the word about the Foundation, known for its youth-focused and global reach dedicated to eradicating breast cancer for future generations. With an emphasis on arts and culture, KAB’s innovative and engaging do-it-yourself approach provides support programs for young people impacted by cancer, and educates people about prevention, early detection, and cancer-causing toxins in our everyday environment. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, HUF is donating 100% of the proceeds from every HUF x Keep A Breast Plantlife Sock purchased at its online store through October to the Keep A Breast Foundation...

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