Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hangin wit.....TYLER the Creator

What a year does for a career. I met Tyler the Creator in April while i was shopping down Fairfax Ave. Before i came back to LA i heard of Odd Future from a friend (WILEY1...YOYO) and was in aww when i saw the Yonkers video. This crew from LA came in real quick and blew up the spot. So as I'm in the Diamond Supply store shopping in comes Tyler on his Skateboard. I stop and go up to him (At the time No one new who he was) and ask him for a picture. He looks at me and tells me "fuck yea!, But lets Take a Dope pic". As we took the pic i also told him i was from chitown (Not uptown) and he replied "Odd Future will be there pretty soon". It was cool that he took time to take a photo with me. Now Tyler and ODD FUTURE are taken the world by storm. So here's the pic i took....Enjoy and FUCK STEVE HARVEY!


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